Sometimes we come across an all-natural recipe that is truly amazing. This is one of the better ones, and you need it like yesterday.

Vegetarian Protein Sources You Need To Know About For PHASE 3
Did you know that your body absorbs protein from plants better than animal protein? If you need protein during PHASE 3, choose one of these foods.

The Best Sugars To Use After Cleansing
After you finish the cleansing experience, you don’t want to consume things that will negate your results. Try these natural sugars during PHASE 3.

The Top 7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Need In Your Diet
Did you know you can stop chronic inflammation just by changing your diet? Check out these anti-inflammatory foods that can keep you healthy.

What Your Food Cravings Mean, And What You Can Do About Them
Do you crave pasta, chocolate, or even a burger and fries when you aren’t hungry? Find out how you can curb cravings with raw foods.

5 Ways You Can Use Your Vegetable Spiralizer
Spiralizing your fruits and vegetables may be one of the best ways to eat low calorie meals. Use these recommendations to reach your goals.

How You Can Boost Weight Loss With This Morning Beverage
Drinking this beverage every morning can help you lose weight and promote overall wellness. See how amazing you feel after drinking this.

5 Dietary Tips For Coming Off The Full Body Cleanse
What are you doing to stay healthy now that you are entering Phase 3? These 5 tips may propel you towards a healthier, post-cleansing diet.

Why It’s Harder For Women Over 40 To Lose Weight
If you’re a woman over 40, you may have noticed that pounds don’t drop off like they used to. Here are some tips and insights as to why that is.

Healthy Breakfast Green Smoothie Pops
Don’t let breakfast bore you! Get creative and turn your healthy, morning smoothie into these raw vegan, green smoothie pops.